
Parish Annual General Meeting

Parish Annual General Meeting Good Shepherd 23rd February 2025 11.30am

Discussion Group

Discussion Group

If you are new(ish) to our Parish community, would you like to join a discussion group to talk about our faith and what we do, over a cup of tea or coffee?

If you would - then contact Geoff

Silent Minute Movement

Silent Minute Movement

One minute of prayer and silence for Peace At 9pm each night spend 1 minute in prayer and silence, praying for peace throughout the world.

Linen Roster

Linen Roster

There is a new linen roster at the back of St Mark’s. If you are able, can you please add your name to the roster to do the linen for a month. It’s not an arduous task, just put the linen in a soaker such as Vanish, then rinse it out and iron it. If you are unsure how to iron the different pieces, please just ask me.
